Ready to Open Your Heart?

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Remember, you are always and forever the course of your own healing. 99% of what you need to keep you on the path can be found in this moment right here, right now. That’s why we use meditation to help us reconnect with that truth.

Listen to your body is also crucial to healing, but it’s not always so easy. Be sure to check your email for your Body-Listening Cheat Sheet (and if somehow you missed it, be sure to sign up here).

Let’s Sit Together!

Here’s how we do this:

blue iris.png

Turn off your notifications and maybe light a candle. Grab your headphones if you are with others.

Then get comfortable.

And Listen.

That’s it.

Well, and maybe some breathing too. : )

I’ll guide you on your way.

Use this meditation to allow yourself to find that calm center and stay connected with your inner guide.