Sooooo glad I got over this (How I became a plant lover)
/Back in 2014, a friend who was studying herbalism said to me, "You should really consider taking a training on herbal medicine. It would fit really well with all you're doing."
I said, "Yeah, I don't think so. That's WAY too much to learn."
I didn't realize then just how valuable the lessons that plants teach us are.
There are many different reasons why (and I'm sure I'll write about these at some point), but an unraveling happened after this conversation.
I started getting curious and stopped rolling my eyes when people told impassioned stories about the ways that plants "talked" to them.
A year later, I took my first workshop on plant communication. A few months after this, I started taking classes on herbalism.
I made my first tinctures and learned how you need to plan accordingly when making a Valerian tincture, lest your house smells like a sock for days.
I began to use infused oils in my aromatherapy practice. I began to expand what "aromatherapy" meant for me.
As anyone who's traveled with me can report, I also became a total tea convert. Now I'm the person who flies with a mason jar, strainer, and bag of dried herbs in her carry-on.
And started boasting about the glories of making tea while camping, at the same time commenting on why this isn’t actually “tea” but more appropriately a tisane or water infusion. My how things changed!
Now I'm the person who writes impassioned stories about the ways that plants talk to me.
Though I might not become a full-fledged herbalist, consulting clients on complex health issues and prescribing capsules, teas, and tinctures, I can be the person who learns how to bring plants into my daily life more and more and then finds ways of sharing those experiences with other people.
Actually, I am that person. 🙋 Yay for breakthroughs and growth!
Do you want to learn how to better use plants for your own health and well-being?
Join me this Sunday for Tea + Meditation and a Plant Medicine Circle.
We'll explore how a cup of tea can create the space for mindful reflection and how to use Clove Bud as a way to enhance both physical and mental well-being.
So I want to know, are you a more of a 🙄-person when it comes to hearing about plants, or is it 💗+🌿 for you all day?
Somewhere in between? Maybe a 🙄-person but aspiring to 💗+🌿?
Leave a comment and let me know!
No matter where you're at, thanks for letting me share my love of plants with you.