Simplify: As If Your Life Depends on It

One of the things I've had to adjust to over the past few weeks is learning to do my movement practices at home.

Over the past 4+ months, I had finally, for the first time in my life, created a habit of exercising regularly.

All it took was discovering what seemed to be the key for me to get myself moving more regularly: classes.

It started with a dance class, which quickly turned into a yoga class as well. Then when both were closed for a week over the holidays, I got antsy and decided to try the next closest place: crossfit. I know, I couldn’t believe that the 2020 me was someone who went to crossfit at 6am either!

Up until early March, I was going to all these classes—often multiple times a week. It was amazing.

With all of them closed for the time being, I've been faced with either going back to not really moving much at all, or (gasp!) learning to move at home.

While I was in the middle of a downward dog one day, I looked between my knees and saw a sign that I wrote to myself back in 2014. This time, it took on deeper significance.

Simplify: As If Your Life Depends on It

When I wrote this, I was going through a transitional period. I wanted to encourage myself to not only simplify my environment by getting rid of some stuff, but to also simplify the general approach that I took to my life. I always liked the message, so I kept the sign around for years. It became a seldom-noticed backdrop for my moving-towards-clutter-again environment.

But in this present moment, the idea that our lives depend on simplicity seems so much more potent and real in a way it hadn't before.

Granted, though some things have gotten simpler, other things are now more complicated. This is just what happens when we live in a world of duality. Two things are often true at once. At the same time. Know what I mean?

Anyways, I share this to also say that we all have a choice in each moment when it comes to seeing what's before us.

Do you complain about the complicated or relish in the simplicity? I'm trying to find the simplicity and be grateful for that. How about you?