Getting Overwhelmed? Try this.

Does this sound familiar?

You sit down to do some work. Then your phone dings with yet another text message that needs replying. You decide to take care of a few of those when the buzzer for the washing machine goes off letting you know the clothes are ready for the dryer. You get up to do that and remember you need to wash laundry detergent down on the shopping list. You pull up the notes on your phone and decide to check your instagram notifications. You then spend the next 15 minutes replying to messages there and surfing through your friends stories, which is when you look up and realize you only have less than an hour to get at least a little bit of work done before you pick your kids up from school.

That chunk you set aside to get ahead on a work project has slowly shrunk to half of what it was and you realize you'll have to wait until tomorrow to make the progress you wanted to today.

We all have those moments. They can leave you feeling overwhelmed and wanting to just keep zoning out on netflix or social media or say eff it, and decide to spend the rest of the day at the beach.

I used to struggle with getting "everything" done and I'm thrilled to share that this cycle is much more of a rare occurrence for me than it used to be. The biggest turn around for me was enrolling in a program called Time Genius created by Marie Forleo, which completed shifted my relationship with time and how I spend it.

One of the key lessons from this course is the truth that when you know what's important, you can ignore what's not.

It sounds simple, but the biggest hurdle to working through the course was sitting down and getting clear with myself on what is important. What is it that I ultimately want? What is most important to me at this stage and season of my life?

In the scenario above, there isn't a single activity listed that under certain times for certain people would be "important." The problem was that everything was treated as important.

This is something that many of us do constantly. We're operating under the instructions of what we do truly desire, but also what others desire of us and what society as a whole expects of us. Sometimes those three do not match up.

So the clearer you are about what is most important to you right now, the more you can just ignore most of the other tasks that “seem” important.

Today as you're reading this, what is most important for you right now? You can answer for today, or consider this week or month. What is the #1 thing that you need to get done? What is you just let yourself focus on that for the next 20 minutes or hour or whatever time you have?

This is how I get these posts done each day. Sure, some days they happen earlier than others. But I've decided, for my own very specific reasons, that posting a blog each day is one of the most important things for me right now.

So sometimes that means letting laundry backup, or not returning messages immediately, or skipping a yoga class. If you would have asked me at the end of 2021, I would have said making a yoga class everyday was most important. Writing may not always be this important to me. But since I'm clear that it is right now, I'm rarely ever overwhelmed with the task. I'm excited that I get to do it each day.

I'd love to hear:

  • What's most important for you right now? (Limit your answer to no more than 3 major goals/projects)

  • What can you do to set yourself up to prioritize them for your day today and/or tomorrow?

Tell me in the comments. Writing your answers anchors in your clarity, which is key to making change.