Get Grounded

I was in the middle of massaging a client when she broke the silence to say, "Wow, I feel so much in my body ... it's amazing how I have to work so hard to get here."

We both took a moment to reflect on how funny it is to be in this thing called a body all the time, bringing it everywhere with us, doing things like moving and scratching and eating, and still not really "be" in it.

So many of us live most of our lives in our heads. Our awareness is always on what we're thinking and that’s mostly on what happened in the past or what's happening in the future or other pointless things like what others may or may not think about us.

The body often becomes an after thought.

Or not a thought at all.

But the "meat" of life (pun absolutely intended) is actually in the experience of the body itself. The sensation of the sun on the skin. What it feels like to be in water. Touch. A full belly. Cuddling with an animal or a human. The sound of your favorite music and how it feels in your bones. The thrill of riding a rollercoaster or feeling the wind.

When you think of your favorite memories, how many of those are centered around a feeling? Probably most if not all.

So what can you do today to feel more grounded in your body?