Universe Don't Be Like That: Poem

Here's a new poem that came out of my NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month) practice.

Universe Don't Be Like That

This too shall pass

but not pass beyond 

what we're too

unsettled to handle.

Universe don't be like that.

It will bring you the medicine of your people,

whether they be eskimos

or silicon valley narcissists. 

Let us not forget

that the farther we go down,

the more we can stretch up.

We're all surrounded by the sounds of love

in many different packagings.

Some are beautiful, some are unhealthy,

some work for a time,

some expired a long time ago. 

The trick is in the knowing, the being with what is,

the letting go of what no longer is. 

I'd kill myself if I knew how,

but all I know is love.

And love doesn't kill, it only knows how to grow.

Death only comes when it's moved on.

But the love doesn't die, like water,

it transforms but is never gone.