Modify but Mimic
/If you're trying to quit a bad habit, or get yourself to do it less, here's a trick to make the change a little bit easier.
Modify what you're doing but still mimic it.
I did this when I was stopping drinking. I had a daily habit of getting done with my day and popping open a beer, putting it in my koozie, and walking around my garden finding small projects to work on. I looked forward to this part of my day, watching the sun get lower in the horizon, checking on my plants, and drinking a beer. Or sometimes I'd use this a time to catch up with a friend on the phone. Either way, an integral part of the experience was drinking something cold and fizzy.
So when I stopped drinking beer, I didn't want to do away with the ritual of a late afternoon garden stroll. I decided to modify the habit but still mimic the habit of drinking. So I just switched out the beer for a can of LaCroix. I still got to hear the sound of the can opening, it still fit in my koozie, and I got to walk around drinking something cold and fizzy. Maybe it didn't give me a buzz but with all the other elements present, I found it to still be a pleasurable experience.
When you're trying to let go of a bad habit, see if there's some way you can change what you're doing just a little bit so you don't feel deprived.
I found that it wasn't the drinking the beer that I really liked, but all the other parts of working in the garden, seeing the sunset, and catching up with my friends.