How to Keep Going
/I don't know what to write. Why did I say I'm going to publish a blog post every day? Why did I make this a thing that I said I would do?
Today is the day that I'm sitting here to write this blog, later in the day than I like to, and I'm wondering why did I start this project to write everyday for a year?
I'm tired, I have other things that need to get done today and I'm too commitment to this project to let a day lapse. It's a habit too ingrained. But I'm still wondering, what is it all for.
The thing is, just asking myself that question is refreshing. I wanted to do this for several reasons:
1. To become a better writer.
2. To become a better editor (I feel like I'm achieving #1 better than #2 right now).
3. To make a roomiest to myself and to keep it.
4. To share the things that I learn about being on the upward spiral with others.
When I look at those reasons right there, I feel a little bit of an ease as I type. Yes, those were the reasons that spurred this crazy commitment to myself and others. Putting aside the question of, "Is this project helping me to achieve those things right now?" I feel inspired to sort this out in today's post.
[However, the "is it working?" question is for sure a valid one, but I'd prefer to address that at another time as I only have the brain power right now to revisit my intentions and be inspired solely by them.]
This is why when I work with my clients and they tell me about something they want to do, I'm always encouraging them to ask the question of why they want to do it.
Starting something is exciting, but once that excitement wares off it's the emotions behind the WHY that keeps us going. I know that's what is keeping me going right now.