It's coming (it's always coming)
/Years ago, when I casually followed astrology, I'd always read the email from my favorite astrologer about the current full or new moon as few days late.
"Damn," I'd think. "I've already missed it."
I always felt like if I didn't set my intentions or do some ritual on the day of these major changes in moon phase that I'd somehow "missed out." This would translate into feeling like I'm behind, unprepared, and all the other wonderful things that the critical mind likes to say.
Slowly, I started paying closer attention. I found a moon phase calendar that I could download into the calendar on my phone so I could always look there to see where the new, full, and quarter moons were throughout the month.
Then, I learned to anticipate the new and full moon, realizing that about every other week has one or the other as it only takes about 14 days for the moon to wax and wane.
I also started to work with the phases in between and notice how my energy level changes throughout the month or how certain times tend to be better or worse for different tasks or projects.
And now, I'm regularly preparing for the upcoming new and full moons and more often than not feel ready to move into the next phase rather than feeling behind.
As I like to say, the moon is always somewhere in it's cycle.
Today I started to prepare for the upcoming new moon on Monday which feels extra exciting since the past new and full moons were eclipses and I laid off doing any kind of rituals. This morning I started to ask myself a few questions about what kind of intentions feel right to initiate with this New Moon in Gemini. I'm meeting with a coaching client later this afternoon to help them figure out how they can utilize the energy of the upcoming New Moon to make changes in their lives.
While at the same time, I'm working with the waning energy of this moon cycle, looking back to all that's happened since the last New Moon in Taurus a few weeks ago. Trying to tie up loose ends of whatever is left rom this last month and acknowledging the blessings, gift, and guidance I've gotten along the way.
Working with the moon has been so fruitful for me the past few years. So much in fact that I consider it an integral part of living my life on the upward spiral. If you'd like to do more work with the moon, sign up to receive notifications for the next time I offer the Essential Oil Moon Kits or book a coaching session with me.