The Secret to Enjoying Your Weekends

One of my clients has struggled with self-judgement around taking breaks during the weekend. They work hard all week and then fantasize about all the stuff they are going to get done over the weekend.

How this is the weekend where they'll finally go through all the paperwork on their desk, organize the closet, get the taxes done early, make meals for their family, and exercise. Then maybe they'll also get to catch up on sleep and take a few naps. Sound familiar?

You might can imagine that is often not what gets done. They end up feeling so burned out that their body forces them to stay in bed, sometimes because they are sick. Then they feel guilty about resting when they "planned" to do all this other stuff.

The last time we worked together I said to them, "Why don't you just change the plans you make? Clearly what's best for you on the weekend is to sleep in and take it easy. Why not fantasize throughout the week that you'll get to do that once the weekend comes. You can even get into it. On Thursday, wash your favorite blanket so it's nice and clean for you to cuddle with. Decide what food you'r going to order in. Let your family know that on Saturday morning your plan is to sleep in. Your daughter also likes to sleep in right? Why not make it a thing that whoever gets up first goes into the other’s bed to cuddle with them? Instead of making rest something you do separate from your family, it could become something you all do together. Chances are if you do that on Saturday, you'll have the energy your always hoping for on Sunday to get something on your to-do list done."

Rest doesn't have to come at a cost of not doing some other leisure activity. Rest can be our leisure activity.

What kind of rest are you going to do this weekend?