You've Still Got Time

Your way doesn't have to look like anyone else's. That what most people may tell you whether they believe it themselves or not. But there's another thing that most people don't tell you.

Your way now doesn't have to look like your way then.

In fact, if you're learning and growing and progressing, then it won't. And that's a good thing.

Whether we consciously agree to it or not, we're surrounded by a culture that thinks of progress as linear. That you find what works and you stick with it. That you make a system and then you perfect it.

But that's only one small part of the story.

Every good system or approach get tweaked along the way. All the time.

Think of any business or celebrity or artist that you've followed over a long time, like decade or more. Does what they were doing 10 years ago look like what they are doing now? How about 5 years ago? What about a year ago? If their success has longevity, then the answer is surely, "No."

So when you feel like nothing you do is working, that you can't stick to things you start, that you don't seem to make progress, slip your thoughts to recognizing that you might be on a path that is working. You just haven't come to the end yet but are still in the messy middle.

They say that what determines if a story has a happy ending or a sad ending is all about where you end it. Your story hasn't ended yet, so you've still got time.