When You Want Something

In the book by Carolyn Elliot called Existential Kink, she makes a bold preposition that when it comes to doing shadow work, "Having is evidence of wanting."

She goes through a great explanation of how this can often be perceived as true and I'd have to agree with her. Recognizing this for myself in my life has been a rapid-fire path to meeting my shadow (undesirable parts of myself) and accepting it.

But, that's not what I'm here to share today.

I have come to find that the opposite is also true.

Wanting is evidence of having.

To want something we need to have already have had the slightest taste of it to know that we want it. If it's trying something new that we want, well then we actually want to try the thing we say we're wanting.

Why is this important?

Well, in creating the life that you desire, being clear on what you want is crucial. But there is also power in recognizing that what you want is already present for you, perhaps in an almost imperceptible way.

For myself this has come in helpful. To keep myself from dwelling in a state of lack and scarcity, when I find myself wanting to make more money, for example, I will take a moment and recognize the money that I have earned already and that is coming to me in the present in the form of clients and other sources of income. When I find myself longing for love in my life, I take a moment and acknowledge the love that I already have with my family and friends.

I allow myself to feel the thing I want in the forms that I already have it in. It seems to me there's an alchemy that happens and allows me to feel an abundance that can so easily get undercut with our insatiable wanting.

What do you want right now? What are the ways that it exists in your life presently in alternate forms?