Open to Fun
/One of my best friends was in town with her 16-year-old foster kid ... foster teenager.
(Side-note: how amazing is it that a single woman in her late 30's decided to foster a teenager? Jamie is one of the coolest people I know.)
We were meeting some friends for dinner, two of which have multiplied into a family of 4. One of their kids, a 6-year-old, hung close to Mom when they first arrived.
But by the end of the night, her and the teenager were chasing each other on the patio of the restaurant, play fighting, and then retiring for a game of Battleship.
The next day, I commented how seeing them play the night before brought so much joy to me.
"I'm really glad she opened up," my bestie commented about the younger kid. "Just imagine if she stayed shy the whole night, she would have missed out on so much fun."
I feel like this is a good lesson about being open to fun. If we wait for fun to come to us, we might be waiting a long time. Sure you can seek it out, but maybe all it takes sometime is being open to fun and seeing what happens.
How can you be more open to allow fun to come in? Next time you feel closed and stand-off-ish, consider the fun you might be missing. What would it take for you to warm up to allowing fun to find you?