The Inevitable Fall of Wednesday

I had a client that would always say, "Everything goes sideways by Wednesday."

We would often talk about habits, making them, breaking them, getting back on them. He also loved finding a habit to start out strong on in the beginning of the week, but her knew that by Wednesday, it would most likely get interrupted in some way.

I started to look at my own life and notice that it was the same for me. You know I love Mondays for their ability to provide for us fresh starts. But what happens when we get to mid-week, responsibilities throwing up their roadblocks in our perfectly planned days?

It's been a shift for me to expect this. My daily habits of doing a reflection writing at the end of the day will often be missing by Wednesday or Thursday, and knowing that this is often the case make me feel less judgmental for myself about it. There's also that moment of truth after hump day when I realize that a few things I planned for this week will need to go on next week's list.

If I know it's coming, I can accept it much easier.

So if you find yourself getting off-track by the middle of the week, know you're in good company.

What are the things you do to get back on track?