This Little Light

For our most recent Full Moon Circle at Gaze Yoga, I wanted to offer another song.

(If you missed the one, I did for the Full Moon in Cancer, check it out here.)

This Full Moon was in Leo, so I asked myself, "What's the most Leo song I could share?"

The first song that came to mind was "This Little Light of Mine."

Leo is all about what makes us shine. It's also very outgoing and friendly, so I wanted to share a song that other could sing along with me — something familiar and easy to sing. "This Little Light" seemed to be the most perfect song.

I knew it was a traditional song and probably had various verses that changed with different versions of the song. But something in me said to create my own verse to add.

When I was in the final pose of shavasana one night, I had these lyrics come to me:

I am the light, I am the truth, I am the Power.

I climbed up the hill and the tower.

I looked into the eyes of the beast that will devour

the words that are bitter, the feelings turned sour.

In this moment, the love is all mine.

I let go of what I had and I know that I'll be fine.

After all there will come a time,

when this little light is gonna shine.

I've been going through a major life transition recently and these words have become a prayer for me.

Here's a video I recorded before our full moon circle of the song. Please listen and sing along. I hope they can become a prayer for you too.

After watching I'd love to know,

  • What lines of the new verse stick out to you?

  • If you had to write your own new verse to this song, what would yours say?

It's always fun to write our own versions of songs or poems that are known and well-loved. You never know what kind of creation will come out of the inspiration that others art offers (or what your art will inspire in others too!).