Daily Poems: String of Light + What I Am

I don't need another thing to put on my list of things to do everyday. But it is National Poetry Month and I feel inspired by several of my poet friends that have been participating in National Poetry Writing Month, or NaPoWriMo, as it's affectionately called.

In other years, I would have decided that since it's already half way through the month, I missed the chance to write a poem every day. But I decided no. Or maybe the poems awaiting within me said no. Sometimes it's hard to know who's talking these days.

So, without trying too hard, I used some of my writing time yesterday to write a poem. This is what came out:

What I Am

If I keep giving,

can I also keep receiving?

Can you pour out of a cup while it's being filled?

There's a magic in the dance of water.

Flowing in and out at the same time

like a river that expands across the globe.

Look at how it nourishes

the plants and humans

who nourish each other.

That is love.

That is what I want to be.

That is what I am.

Exhilarated by writing a poem out of the blue I didn't hate, I noticed that I still hadn't reached my daily word count, so I let these words flow out too.

String of Light

How did you find

that little place inside of me

that hides from me

without me knowing?

You pulled it out like a string of light,

finding the right way to tug

without breaking

the delicate casing

of my veins.

There's no blood spilled

in the unraveling of pure love.

We’ll see what I’ll write tomorrow!