...and then there's the day after

There's a magic to a fresh start. A new beginning. A time to start anew.

We have the energy of initiation within us. There's a powerful force when something starts like when a seed starts to sprout. Newness is always exciting.

But for things to grow, flourish, and live out there potential, it can't just stop there. There's always the day after it begins. The next step. The time when things are not quite what they will be yet, but no longer what they once were.

It gets closer to what Brene Brown calls the "messy middle." It's that moment where you've begun organizing your closet and you look around to see everything in a jumbled pile on the floor. Or when you're deep in an important conversation but before you've reached a resolution and you can't tell where it's going.

For anything to come to completion, this part is necessary.

How can you embrace the unknown in this space? How do you keep moving forward when you're not sure how it's going to end up?