The End of the End

I had never heard of the Dark Moon before. Thinking it was just another name for the New Moon, I would read it and think, "Ok, cool, got it."

I didn't get it.

I've been reading The Moon Book by Sarah Faith Gottesdiener throughout the lunar cycle this month. Her writing is so rich and juicy that I'm savoring every section, planning to go back through over the next few months, and probably years, when the writing will hit me differently.

That's when I realized that there was a section between the Waning Moon and the New Moon that stood entirely on it's own.

She calls the Dark Moon, "transformation in the void." I realize now that the energy of the final days of the lunar month, before the moon renews itself and starts to show again with the New Moon growing into a waxing crescent, are days filled with mysterious fertility.

I tend to be New Moon focused, wanting to move onto the next project, start the next thing. Ready the the beginning of the beginning once again. But reading this section, I realize that paying attention to the "end of the end" as Gottesdiener reminds us, is important to till the ground we plan to plant our seeds of intention in.

This section spoke to me:

"The dark moon is the waning moon amplified. Finality and endings coincide with this time period. This is the end of the end. The shadow's source. Rock bottoms and breakthroughs. Destruction is enacted in order to create. After the loss is thrown in the fire, new life stirs in the smoldering ashes. Our inner North Star magnetizes us to rise up into different realities. In this way, the dark moon is about envisioning far-away futures."

Take some time to go into your own inner unknown space. Honor what is coming up for you in these last few days before the moon renews itself. What you ignore now, will come back.

Allow yourself to see what is in the unseen.