Don't Follow Me

Years ago, I had this car that had a bumper sticker on it that said, "Don't Follow Me, I'm Following my Bliss."

Being a big fan of Joseph Campbell's work in my early 20s, I was always a big fan of the life advice to "follow your bliss."

But this sticker took it a step further by suggesting that my path to bliss is different than yours and following me would be a mistake.

This car and sticker are long gone from my life, but the message continues to follow me around. The older I get the more I learn how much we all must carve our own path. We first must find those things that bring us to a state of utter bliss, no matter how much they don't match up with what society, family, friends, the group at large has to say about how we spend our time.

One person's bliss may be another person's nightmare. One person's personal prison may be another's lighting path to liberation.

You can only find your own path. Make sure you're not following me or anyone else, no matter how good they tell you it is for them.

Trust your own heart compass.