Are you talking to yourself?

With this New Moon in Gemini, the Twins, I'm looking at the ways I'm in communication with (or not so with) myself.

Trauma creates compartmentalization to keep us safe. At this moment, I'm finding new ways of seeing how I've cut myself off from parts of myself because it wasn't safe for those parts to come out and be expressed. Things have changed, however; I've gotten older, wiser, and more resilient, so it's time to re-integrate myself with ... myself.

It's as if parts of me are not on speaking terms. Some parts are, while others have been silenced. But I'm now interested in what those mute parts have to say and share. Just like how it is sometimes challenging to get a shy person to speak, it is similar with the parts of ourselves.

So with this new moon, I'm looking at the ways in which I can begin a conversation with the forgotten parts. My game plan so far is to continue writing as that always helps me open into deeper layers within. Returning back to a regular meditation practice also feels right. And moving my body, perhaps in some new ways.

These are some of my intentions with this new moon to get these conversations with myself going.

I'm curious, do you feel like there are parts within you that have been silenced but might be ready to start to speak once again? What do you do to get in touch with those parts and let them know they are safe?

Leave me a comment below. Not only might it help give me ideas, but it could speak to someone else reading this post. You never know the difference a few simple, honest words can make. Either to yourself or to other people.