Simple Practices for the New Moon

Though the Full Moon can be a powerful time to work with the energy of this planetary body, the New Moon is equally exciting because it's when we get to set in motion new projects, habits, or intentions.

As I said before, I’m stoked about this first New Moon of the New Year.

When I first created the Moon Kits, this was the day I had in mind. Though you can use the kit all throughout the moon cycle, I find that initiating a practice on the New Moon to be incredibly potent.

Each new Moon for me is a little bit different, but here's the main practices that I try to incorporate into my life on or around the New Moon.

Here's a few practices that I enjoy on any New Moon:

  • Cleaning up. The New Moon is a great time to tidy up your living space. If you keep altars, this is a perfect time to dust them off and refresh them. If you want more information on altar setting, working with ancestors, and opening up to magic, I highly recommend the book Brujas by Lorraine Montegut.

  • Setting an intention for the next lunar cycle. What are the projects or goals you'd like to achieve over the next 4 weeks? You can also consider what seeds you'd like to plant for the next 6 or 12 months as well? Though setting the intention is only the first step to making something manifest in the world, it's an important one. You can't bring something into being in your life unless you first know what it is.

  • Performing a simple New Moon ritual. I like to use the ritual suggestions offered by astrologer, Chani Nicholas, which you can find in her app. You can also use the Moon guide included in my Moon Kits to guide you through using essential oils to anchor in your intention.

  • Being open to insights. After you've set an intention, the next step is to rest and wait. But while you're doing that be sure to make any adjustments in your life to allow the intention to come into being. We may not be ale to control the flow of water, but we can dig the trenches to direct it where we want it. The thing with the New Moon is that it's a dark time in the night sky, so let yourself rest now but plan to work with the growing energy of the moon over the next few weeks to make new habits or patterns that support your intention.

What are your favorite activities for a new moon? If you're using a Moon Kit, what is your New Moon oil and how does it speak to you right now? Let me know in the comments!

I plan to offer Moon Kits in a few months, be sure to get on the waitlist to be the first to know when they are available again.