Essential Oil Meditation for Imbolc
/A simple way to use aromatherapy and meditation to celebrate Imbolc, the midway point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox.
Read MoreA simple way to use aromatherapy and meditation to celebrate Imbolc, the midway point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox.
Read MoreIt is funny how the same feelings emerge and re-emerge over and over again. I've started to recognize that each time I go to write or post a blog, this intense churning feeling arises in my stomach and often keeps me from posting.
What is even more funny is I teach classes on this idea of "just sitting down to write," and yet I struggle with it regularly.
And by "funny" I mean ridiculousness in the sense that I need to just get over myself. Life is full of contradictions and I am no exception.
I created 101 Days of Gratitude originally with the idea that it would help me to post more regularly on social media. It worked the past two years though this year it has fallen away far more than before. I haven't posted in many days, weeks...possibly longer!
It has been so long that when I think about posting, guilt comes over me. I hear some voice in me saying, "You started this project and then abandoned it? How hard can it really be to post everyday? Everyone will think you can not follow through with projects..." and on and on
But then a calmer voice inside, one that seems a little more like it is worth listening to, starts to remind me that I am posting about what I am grateful for. It reminds me that I tell everyone else that "you can't do this project wrong." The voice tells me to just post and post often! Hey, I could post twice a day, who cares! That would at least take care of talking myself out of posting because "maybe there is something better to post about."
Now I am rambling. And feeling a little better. Maybe I will go post after all!
Back in August, I started the second annual
. The idea is to post something that you are grateful for everyday. Last year, I did this to both create meaningful daily content on my
(the key to social media success, so I hear) and to force myself to work through my aversion to social media. It worked really well! I got more fans, even had a few people join in with me, and surprised myself on how fulfilling posting things online can be.
This year has been different
. I started this project with the intention to start to create a community around my ultimate dream of creating the Upward Spiral Center for Healing and Transformation. Earlier this year, this dream started to look like a reality and I have been working hard to make it happen.
But that's a lot to juggle. The creation of the center has brought some core issues of mine up to the surface and that's caused some breakdowns and needs to withdrawal. For the past month or so, I've taken a step back from major work on creating the center, because I realized"
If I'm going to create the Center, I need to first find my own.
There is this saying in Chinese Medicine that
"one can not inspire a virtue in someone else unless they first possess it themselves."
Since I came across this thought in my Daoism and Chinense Medicine class back in 2009, it has infused much of my thoughts about work and therapy.
One basic issue for me (and I know for a lot of my clients) is essentially that
I'm not enough
And the silent belief that follows is that
no one will love me
To create the center is to affirm the opposite:
I am working to create a space for all of US to explore what our healing journeys can become
. To do this, I will need lots of love and support from my community. It can not happen with out it.
In addition to really slacking on my own gratitude posting during this year's project, I publicly admitted the other day that I miscalculated 101 Days. The intention is to lead up to Thanksgiving, but I started a week early. So its 108 days instead. Thankfully, its a symbolic number!
I've still felt alot of 'gratitude guilt' (which essentially traces back to "I'm not good enough") about neglecting my gratitude and miscalculating.
I was overjoyed at the responses I got after posting about 108 Days. You can see some on our
I had a guy write me a personal message and say:
no embarrassment needed ... I just kept thinking how is my counting wrong !?! lol its an awesome idea and has brought joy to even more people than you'll ever know ... it's fabulous and I wouldn't change a thing"
I also had a friend of mine tag me in a post:
"I am grateful for
, a great friend, and someone who has the imagination, thoughtfulness, and work ethic to do something good for her community. Or better yet, to get us to do something good for ourselves!"
How can I not feel loved and enough reading things like this? I am bookmarking this page for the next time I feel bad : )
I don't know if I can really say "ENOUGH!" to "not enough," but I'm sure gonna try. This is what I hope to inspire in others eventually at the
, but for now I'm going to continue to work on me and inspire the community I already have.
Thanks ya'll, for all your love.
101 Days ago I began an ambitious project to to celebrate gratitude daily for over 3 months on several social media outlets. I would post a picture on Instagram (which would also post on Facebook and Twitter) and I would write a blog on here. The gratitude part is easy, but I hadn't realized when I began how I could get caught up in the putting myself out there part.
When I reflect on where I was coming into this project, deciding to embrace social media and dive right in, I see how it lead me to create this challenge. And it did what I hoped it would. It got me to write and reflect more, share that with other people, and even inspire some others to start their own gratitude lists. This practice has also helped me to become a better writer. I've also seen some incredible transformations in my life since I began including substantial increase in my work schedule, submitting for my first TEDtalk, publishing a chapbook, and just feeling great most of the time.
I also see how I have farther to go. But I think that's just the way things are. There's no end to the upward spiral, just an ever wider and fuller view of from where you've come. I had a conversation with a client that was asking about what to do about the tendency to beat themselves up inside and reflecting on my own experience all I could offer was that you have to move through it. We learn how to maneuver it. Maybe it becomes less like a struggle and more like a dance.
Gratitude is a good tool to change things up inside. For me it gives my awareness something new and positive to focus on rather than the negative. The more I strengthen that gratitude pathway, feeling genuine in my appreciation, the easier it it for me to draw my attention to those things even when I want to feel down. This is a constant practice that will hopefully go on throughout my life. This reminds me of something else I have reflected on recently...
So since I am still a few days short of 101, I have decided to keep posting when I get a chance until I reach 101. That okay with you? I knew you'd understand.
Now the question is: What are you grateful for?