What's most important?

My mom rides her bike every day now.

If you would have told me a year ago that she'd be walking AND riding her bike every morning (and sometimes again in the afternoon), I wouldn't have believed you.

Her daily movement practice was almost non-existent for the first year after my Dad passed. Besides the weight of grief, a health condition made her heat intolerant and had her heart doing all kinds of things that it scared her to be out for long. It didn't help that my Dad’s final moments were when he collapsed at home after coming home from his morning walk.

But people change. Things change. Fears change.

My mom got clear on what was important for her. Once her thyroid got sorted and her physical symptoms were better managed, she realized that creating healthy habits to prolong her life and make it more joyful were a priority

She started by walking in the mornings. The good part is that for years, this was always a part of her morning routine so she fell into that relatively easily. But then she wanted to do more. She had a bike but it needed some help to be in working order. So one week she made it her mission to get it fixed. Luckily, one of my clients is a bike mechanic who came over and got it working for her.

Then she started riding. And loved it.

I've never known my mom to ride a bike. Or even really own one. At least not for a few decades. Look at her now!

This whole new chapter of her movement journey started with her getting clear on what's most important. That's led to all kinds of changes for her and got her pedaling into her upward spiral.

I can see new changes starting to happen for her as well. But it should be noted that she started with one thing.

So you tell me:

  • What is most important for you right now? Go ahead, write down the 10 things that your head shouts at you. Get them on paper. Then go through each one and consider what you'd need to make that change, how feasible that is for you right now, the level of joy and satisfaction that will bring you, and how much that would positively effect your life as a whole. Make a chart if you want. Then take a break (anywhere from an hour to a day) and come back to look at what you wrote down.

    • Out of all of them, which one is the most important for you to do right now?

  • Write it down. Also write down three ways you can prioritize this in your life right now. Post it in the comments.

If you need help clarifying or implementing what you find, I'm hear to help you. Book yourself an Upward Spiral Coaching session today and let's get you moving along your path, like my mom on her bike each morning.