Sitting with It

I have this notecard on a cork board in my room that says, "Sit with the discomfort long enough to find the solution."

I wrote years ago, when I read that line in one of the horoscopes written by Chani Nicolas. For whatever reason at that time, it hit me deep and I wanted to remember this truth.

It's continued to be a reminder of the value of sitting with something even when it doesn't feel good.

This is what allowed me to work through my addictions to alcohol and cannabis earlier this year. It also allowed me to recognize the signs that my marriage was at it's end and to do the hard work of initiating a divorce. Before either of those happened, it allowed me to continue to return to challenging yoga classes, which gave me the skills to do the other harder things that have lead to my self growth this year.

It's now helping me to take a look at another area of my life that I have been a bit unconscious about but that I am now motivated to heal so I can move forward.

I love that this note from my past is still having a healing effect on my present life, which will aid in the pleasure of my future life.

Just because something is uncomfortable now doesn't mean that it will also be. Often, it will lead to greater greater ease and comfort in the future. Remember that next time you want to turn away from the hardness of life. See if you can stay with it. See what happens next.