We all know we need to exercise but it doesn’t always happen. Here’s several different strategies you can try to get yourself moving.
Overwhelmed by essential oils? Here’s one easy way to use any essential oil to calm and distress instantly.
There’s a common mistake many people make when they start a gratitude practice. Here’s what it is and what else to ask yourself. With these two questions, you’ll start finding deeper appreciation in all parts of your life.
If you feel like your dreams are far off, think again. These 5 words from Rocky Horror Picture Show will motivate you to take action today.
This is the perfect way to read more books and cultivate conscious community. Introducing Book Report Club and how you can host one too!
If you’ve ever sat down to work on something but just couldn’t get started, you’ll want to learn this productivity secret. It’s the reason why STOPPING can actually help you get more done.
The average office worker almost never gets a single hour of uninterrupted time and are instead interrupted every 3 minutes. But it is still possible in this hyper-paced world to find pockets of time to get into deep states. Here’s how I found flow on a plane and how you can do it too (no flight required).
If you’ve been looking for something to read that helps you feel better about who you are, where you’re at, and propels you into self-acceptance in a whole new way, I’ve got three books for you.
Essential oils are my go-to for minor aches and pains, common colds and flus, and helping to change my mood — here’s why.
Got neck pain? Spend a lot of time on a screen? Try this simple and surprising neck stretch.
Beat the afternoon slump with two easy ways to use aromatherapy to energize at the end of your work day (recipes included!).
I’m doing something extra special for all Moms in May.
7 different ways you can start to drink enough water everyday. (Even if you hate it.)
Want to start meditating regularly? Here’s 3 tactics proven to help you stick with this habit.
A simple way to use aromatherapy and meditation to celebrate Imbolc, the midway point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox.
Want to increase your chances of being able to stick with a new habit long-term? When you start can make a difference.
Forget the resolutions and major life changes. Here's what January is really about.
It’s one of the best medicines. Here’s the recommended usage and dosage for the Tincture of Time.
Sticking to your resolutions starts with choosing the right ones. Here’s how you can find out what they are.